Wednesday, April 9, 2008

To Do List

So I walked in the kitchen this morning and found Jacob doing this….


He was so intently writing on paper, I began to wonder if he was thinking of a list of things to do. If so, I think it would possibly look something like this….

1. Unroll the toilet paper until it makes a big white mountain on the bathroom floor.
2. Flush the toilet 116 times.
3. Keep track of Mom.
4. Work on my art skills, possibly in the bathroom, while I’m in there flushing the toilet, or unrolling the toilet paper?
5. Eat my food and try and sneak some of Emeron’s, then smear a little in my hair, for fun.
6. Take as many toys out of the closet as I possibly can before Mom ‘locks’ it.
7. Hug and kiss David relentlessly until he cries a complaint.
8. Play with Mom’s “kitchen toys” and then find a better place to keep them.
9. Sneak in David’s crib during his nap and <wake him> give him more hugs and kisses.
10. Try to take whatever toy Emeron is playing with until Ems starts to run from me, then play ‘chase’.
11. Find lost library books for Mom to read to me.
12. Practice counting: “1,2,3,7,9,10!”
13. Refuse profusely to take a nap.
14. Take off my diaper and show Mom.
15. As soon as I see Daddy, say “MO-CYCLE” with the biggest smile I can so he cannot refuse and gives me a ride on the motorcycle.
16. Rearrange brother and sister’s stuff for them.
17. Any extra time I have, spend it exploring outside.....


A Day in the life... said...

Sounds like Emily except she is potty trained but still loves to play with the toilet and or toilet paper, and color on walls, blinds what ever.

Marci said...

Wow, talk about a mind that works ahead of schedule. You are doing a great job to train him early so he is ready for his wife's lists. Just ask Steve, he has plenty of those lists at our house.

kellyclay said...

Karol, Aidan would have a very similar list. :)

Anonymous said...

All I can say is, atleast he is organized :)