Friday, April 23, 2010

Number Six

This little boy...

This little boy.

He knows just how to make everything right in the world.

He does it when he reaches his little chubby little hands out and says ‘hold-a-boy’.

He even does it when he looks you right in the eye, grabs your cheeks, and lays a big kiss right on ya!

He knows.
And we. love. him.


Laura said...

Oh, so sweet! I bet you just want to kiss his cheeks right back!

Jen said...

What a cutie!!

heather said...

He is a doll! I wanna meet him and his mommy one day! Soon!

Jenn said...

Wow Karol. Can Addie, Brynnie, and I come do a photo shoot at your place? You can teach me all your tricks. He is sure handsome!

Adrienne said...

SO cute!! We love him too!