Friday, March 20, 2009

Secret Fishing Hole

Now, I’m not gonna spill the beans as to this top secret fishing hole of Geoff’s, but it’s only 4 minutes from the house and easy for Daddy to get the kids and go fishing for an hour or so. Emeron caught the first fish of the season, a big ole German Brown. He is quite proud, as you can tell.


Laura said...

I have such great childhood memories of fishing, but I don't have great picture to match my memories. I'm glad your kids do!

Lindsey said...

That is a very proud face if I've ever seen one! So cute!

VA Bradshaws said...

karol...cute blog and cute kids. that is fine that you look at our blog as long as we can look at yours.

Jen said...

Congrats Em!

Anonymous said...

fishing is fun